SMDY Feast

Stewardship Reflection: Contemplating the Spirit Within

Publié : Mar-27-2020

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In times of trial, when we cannot turn to the sacraments for healing and support, we can always look to Scripture as a source of strength. In the readings this Sunday, we are fittingly reminded that the Spirit of God dwells within us. As stewards, let us reflect on this reality and share the presence of Christ with others through our prayer and by reaching out to others through digital means.  

Readings for the 5th Sunday of Lent

  • First Reading: Ezekiel 37.12-14
  • Second Reading: Romans 8.8-11
  • Gospel: John 11.1-45 – The Raising of Lazarus

Contemplating the Spirit Within

During these difficult times, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us may be facing a multitude of fears and sufferings. Often in times of trial, we as Catholics turn to the sacraments for healing and strength. However, where can we turn when – out of prudence, charity and obedience – we cannot receive these life-giving sacraments?

We can always turn to Scripture for consolation. 

In the first reading, the Lord speaks to the people through the Prophet Ezekiel saying, “I will put my spirit within you, and you shall live” (Ezekiel 37:14). St. Paul goes on to encourage us in the second reading saying, “Brothers and Sisters … you are in the Spirit, since the Spirit of God dwells in you” (Romans 8:9).

It is very fitting that this Sunday we are being reminded that the Spirit of God is within us. In these current times, we must cling onto this reality stronger than ever.

In moments when we cannot go to a parish to physically receive God (His body, blood, soul and divinity) into our body through the Eucharist, reflecting on His presence within us can make all the difference. As stewards, we are called to share this presence with others and the greatest way we can do this is through prayer. Let us pray for those who are suffering at this time, especially those experiencing illness, loss or isolation. Let us also reach out and share Christ’s love through phone calls, messages and emails to one another. There are always opportunities to recognize Christ within us and share Him with others.