SMDY Baptismal Fount

Contrôle des bénévoles



"For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,

which God prepared in advance for us to do." 

- Ephesians 2:10 - 


Interested in Volunteering for an Archdiocese Mission or Parish Ministry?

Volunteering for the Archdiocese/Parish is a rewarding way to serve and contribute to your community, grow and share your faith, socialize, and further connect with your church family through the sharing of the precious gifts of your time and talents.

How To Get involved:

Those interested in serving should contact their local Parish office and/or Ministry Leaders for consideration and to: discuss potential opportunities, review ministry position requirements, and discuss the mandatory Archdiocese volunteer screening process: Strengthening Our Caring Community.

Before Volunteering Can Begin:

Strengthening Our Caring Community was mandated by the Cardinal and the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario over 20 years ago as part of the larger Archdiocesan Safe Environment policy, implemented for the protection and care of our community and all who participate and engage in our parishes, programs, and ministries. All volunteers are required to comply with our screening program managed by the Archdiocese Volunteer Screening Department and administered through each Parish's Volunteer Screening Coordinator and Screening Committee. 

Ministry positions are assigned a “High” or “General” risk level based on responsibility, government laws and regulations, participant vulnerability, and volunteer exposure to which the volunteer screening process directly responds to. Outlined below is an overview of the mandatory screening steps that all applicants must successfully complete and commit to, before they can be accepted into (or continue in) ministry and become an active Archdiocese/Parish volunteer.  

Mandatory Screening Steps:

General Risk:

  1.  Application Form
  2.  Ministry Position Description Review
  3.  Orientation & Training (includes Code of Conduct, AODA, OHRC, Parish, and Ministry training)
  4.  Volunteer Acknowledgement and Agreement Form
  5.  Ongoing Supervision and Evaluation

High Risk (Positions of Trust):

  1.  Application Form
  2.  Ministry Position Description Review
  3.  Interview
  4.  Reference Checks (3 required for adults & 2 for minors)
  5.  Criminal Records & Judicial Matters Check, and Annual Declarations (adults 18+ complete police check through our service provider)
  6.  Orientation & Training (includes Code of Conduct, AODA, OHRC, Parish, and Ministry training)
  7.  Volunteer Acknowledgement and Agreement Form
  8.  Ongoing Supervision and Evaluation

Volunteers usually commit for one year, during which time there is a probationary period to review mutual "best fit", along with ongoing training to support them in their role, performance evaluations, and feedback to review and ensure "best fit" continually. Please contact your local Parish Volunteer Screening Coordinator/Screening Committee for further details.

We sincerely thank all those interested in volunteering for the generous offering of their precious time and talents; however, please note that applicants are accepted into ministry service at the discretion of the Pastor and Parish Ministry in accordance with our screening requirements and government regulations.  Therefore, some persons may be prohibited from volunteering due to: safety, age, criminal record, induction into Catholic Faith, performance, experience, education and/or theology experience. 


“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.”

-  Proverbs 11:25 -